
“My mirror staring back at me.”

-Justin Timberlake

Though I am not a big fan of JT whenever I hear this song I think about the meaning of that one lyric, and for some reason it really captivates me. I mean what does that even mean?

When I look in the mirror I see someone I don’t want to see, a little over weight gangly arms fluffy hair ugly eyes, we all have things that we don’t like. But have you ever looked in one mirror and seen one thing and then looked in another and seen something else? My bathroom mirror plays tricks and so do car windows, I like what I see in the Starbucks mirror but I look ugly in my hand mirror. We all know tricks on social media [Duck face and such.] but what about in real life? I mean I know how to make my eyes look bigger and I know how to eat well and exercise but there are somethings that just can’t be changed. And while I really want to say that I like how I look, I really don’t. The thing is I don’t feel comfortable going out of the house without make up. And if I wear a shirt that even shows a little of my stomach’s outline I need to change it unless I worked out a lot the night before. And thats just how it is, people can tell me that I look fine all they like but no one can stop me from feeling un-pretty. [For those of you who understood that reference I applaud you.]

So you may be asking yourself what the point of this blog post is. Well I have learned a couple of things when in the process of learning how to feel nice about myself and I just figured I would list them and then maybe later I will have a point to all this nonsense.

1. Taking a jog to start off my morning

2. Looking in one of the mirrors that make me look pretty

3. putting on chapstick- it makes me feel more fresh

3. Washing my face and brushing my hair

4. Putting on a nice shirt and pants

5. And last but not least doing push ups and sit ups at night right after brushing teeth.

I like to maintain this routine and when things get in the way of it, that kinda puts me off for a bit.

I try to do this even on sleepover nights and mornings but it really makes a difference.

Now I want to get to something else that is on my mind.


Has your parent ever compliment you? Yes [If the answer is no contact me on twitter and I can support you.]

And when they did did you tell them they had to say that because they are your parent? Yes

When I talk about different mirrors and seeing different things I think about different people seeing different things. Now I have had people tell me sickly that I look nice and others politely cough when I asked if I looked okay- or not politely- Moving right along I think that everyone sees something different when they look at you. So since my parents love me so much and they know me so well I think they see something different than other people. Meaning as relationships grow people see a different person. I know I have done this. Its like when you read a book and the author does not describe a character and then you just start imagining this beautiful person even though in reality they aren’t. I think its all about personality.

So when you started reading this you probably thought I was going to say how people are beautiful but instead I am going to take my own spin on things.

I am here to have the nerve to say that if you don’t act beautiful you aren’t going to be beautiful on the outside. So if you act crappy to other people your gonna look like crap. You know how Shai Woodly wears no makeup? Well notice how beautiful she is, thats because she is [probably- you never know until you meet her] a good person! So while on the one hand I understand trying to look good on the outside don’t let it tear up your insides. Smiles are the most attractive curves and if you got them then nothing else matters. So while I am not going to say your beautiful no matter what I am going to say if you act beautiful you are beautiful. You don’t have to wear shorts, in fact the only time I was called sexy sincerely was when I was in a l was in a skirt that reached the floor with a button up shirt that buttoned up to the top of my neck.

My assignment to my dear nonexistent readers is to look up “glee-your never fully dressed without a smile” on Youtube. Its a really great song and has to do with smiling. So remember when you look in the mirror if you act beautiful you are beautiful!

Sorry its been a while since I have posted and sorry because this is unedited and I haven’t really gonna over it but these are my thoughts and I think that they are completely relevant.

So thank you for reading if you even read this at all and I hope you have an amazing day!

Also please comment if there is anything you want me to talk about and I will do my best. Also remember you can always talk to me! from needing advice to a movie recommendation, I have it all.

I hope you really enjoyed this post!


~no name listed

Ps. If you don’t understand any of the references made in this post I encourage you to look it up! Especially the song by Justin Timberlake although he has better songs- Cry me a river- and such.


  1. I couldn’t agree more with this. I tell myself very often that I am just a soul trapped in a someone’s body & it’s true. When the light of the world is to come back down to earth for the resurrection of the dead, our souls will leave but our body’s will stay. I’m not saying looks don’t matter but we are so quick to judge someone by their appearance. I often look in the mirror and there are some things I see that I don’t particularly like. For example my weight, I’m not as skinny as some girls at my school. I have big thighs. My hair isn’t a long as some girls at my school. But I then point out the things I like about my appearance. I like the color of my eyes. I like my straight teeth and lips. I like my height. And I use that to give me more coincidence. I like the person I am. God made me in his image. & I think that’s pretty cool. I like who I am. Cuz what u see is what u get. I may not be as gorgeous or as skinny as Victoria secret models but I like the way I look. & the person i look like doesn’t define who I am. My personality, the things I enjoy, the things that make me who I am make me the person I am.


  2. That hug just didn’t measure up to the creepy Skype bears, but I’m sure you’ll manage somehow.
    The world is a messed up place, you are beautiful, and I still have a carving knife if anyone says you’re not (I like this carving knife thing. I feels it adds something threatening, which is in desperate need when you’re as short as I am.)
    Everyone has things they don’t like about themselves. For me, it’s my weight. It’s really sad and disturbing how much our society focuses on physical beauty.


  3. Wow, there really are other people here, aren’t there? 🙂 Hi, other people! I lurk on NNL’s blog because we’re so out of touch with the real world that the most contact we actually have is calling each other while we comment on blogs instead of talking to each other.
    The way society focuses on physical beauty is kind of sickening. I mean, we can help what we look like to a certain extent- if I were dedicated enough, I probably COULD lose fifty pounds- but I don’t like that other people care what I look like. In class today we talked about how humans see beauty in symmetry, and all I could think was that I was even more screwed than before because one of my eyes doesn’t open as far as the other one and my eyebrows don’t quite match. Yes, my being overweight is unhealthy, and okay, maybe people have a right to judge me about that since I don’t actually have a medical excuse and technically I could be doing a lot more about it than I am (although I don’t think it’s at all fair to have to be worrying about dieting as a high-schooler. Where’s my teenage metabolism?). But knowing that people are going to find my face ugly because my eyebrows don’t match up is just sickening.
    Sigh. Life sucks sometimes.


    • In terms of beauty and weight they are two different things. I know I can’t change your mind about either but I am going to say my personal experience. I lost a lot of weight over the summer and I have been having trouble keeping it down but really all you have to do is like 30 min at nights and wait and hope. In terms of beauty no one’s eyebrows are the same they are sisters not twins and don’t worry about them I think they are really pretty even if I give you hell about them. And all the other features on your face I think are beautiful especially your eyes! But on the other hand its really good that you don’t seem to care too much. G-d knows my life would be easier if I thought that too.


  4. The problem is that if I do the same thing every day it stops working. Sometimes I don’t do anything and I eat a ton and I lose weight. Sometimes I exercise and eat healthily and I gain five pounds in a day. Switching off at least keeps it mostly constant. I just haven’t found anything that works yet.
    I like my eyebrows. They’re Vulcanesque (that’s a word now).
    Did you just make a comment indicating that twins look the same around me? 🙂 Because I’ve got somen pretty definite proof…


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